
A journey to our home, crafted with care and handed down with pride.

Uncover the Magic of Yummilo!

Embark on a culinary journey with Yummilo and experience the magic of our unique flavors. Discover the story behind our secret recipe that has been cherished by our family for generations. Indulge in the taste of love, heritage, and tradition.

Discover the Flavors of Yummilo!

Immerse yourself in the rich heritage and tradition of Yummilo. Learn about our secret recipe that has been passed down for generations and experience the love and care we put into each bite.

Delicious Bites

Experience the authentic flavors of Nepal in every bite.

Indulge in the richness of our secret recipe, passed down for generations.

Discover the love, heritage, and tradition in each mouthwatering treat.

Sharing our unique flavors with the world, a taste of love, heritage, and tradition.

Get In Touch

For inquiries or orders, please reach out to us.


+1 678-975-5739